Wanted: UX-loving company

I quit my job in April voluntarily under pressure. You know the story, cooperation negotiations hit a lot of companies these days. Good luck to colleagues who stayed behind, sincerely!

Turned out this was a positive change. I finally sat down to think about what I really want to do. What I enjoy. And after working with user experience (UX) and usability for the past 13 years I had to face it: UX is exactly what I want to do. I even created this site so that I can evangelize UX even now that I’m between jobs!

What am I looking for then? My dream company would love UX because they know it improves their users’ lives and consequently sells their product better. The company would not think of starting  development without knowing the target users and their goals. They would understand the value of making prototypes, testing them with users as early as possible and iterating to make the products better.

On top of the UX-loving attitude it would be great if the company would make products or services that somehow help people in their lives – e.g. making it healthier, more informative or more fun!

Good luck to me finding that company. I know they’re out there.

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